Learn Spanish in Madrid

Our schools

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Discover Madrid

A cosmopolitan city with an open character, a meeting point for different nationalities. Madrid is the capital of the Spanish language, a language that is becoming more and more indispensable in all areas. Students from all over the world find here an exceptional place to learn a language that is already spoken by more than 400 million people.

Exhibitions shows and a great number of artistic and leisure initiatives (shopping, gastronomy, clubbing) help those who visit us to broaden their knowledge and deepen their understanding of our culture. Madrid is the business capital of Spain, and as such, offers numerous possibilities for internships in its main companies. It is also home to the most important institutions dedicated to the care and dissemination of Spanish, such as the National Library or the Instituto Cervantes, named after the author of Don Quixote, who lived in this city, where he completed his great work. The place where he was born, Alcalá de Henares, a few kilometers away, is today a World Heritage Site. One of the many incentives to choose Madrid as a destination to study Spanish.

students per year


years in the sector

FEDELE Comunidad de Madrid


FEDELE-Madrid (Business Association of Spanish Schools in Madrid, AEEEM) was founded in 1995 with the intention of uniting the efforts and interests of the best schools in the sector, and to promote solidarity and collaboration among its members.

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